
by car

Dashoguz is about 480 km from Ashgabat and 100 km from Konye Urgench.

by bus

There are regular bus services toAshgabat 12 to 18 hours, US$ 4 to 5 one way and infreqent services toTurkmenabat 10 hours, US$ 3 to 4. The bus station is in the north of the city, near Bai Bazar. There are regular buses toKonye Urgench 2 hours, US$ 1.

by train

There is one train per day toAshgabat 24 hours, US$ 3 and one to Konye Urgench 2 hours, US$ 1. The railway station is on Woksai köcesi, about 600 meters East of Gurbansoltan köcesi.

by plane

Turkmenistan Airlines operates 6 flights per day to Ashgabat and 4 flights per week to Turkmenbashi. The flight to Ashgabat takes about 50 minutes and costs about US$ 12 one way. The airport is 14km south of the city.